Yes. It's Christmas. The Day that we celebrate the BIRTH of the 

Praise God today, that the international students, have decided to join us for Youth Camp. We have about 18 of them that will be coming!

Well, more work for committee then =(. We'll do our last minute additions of everything, and hopefully to settle it by tmr, by God's grace. ;)

As of now, we have 216 CAMPERS!! Wohoo!

We are excited are you??!

And of cos, do pray along.
1. Weather - pray for good weather throughout the 4 days, so that we can have all the time outside from our rooms. 

2. Journey - pray for a safe journey, to and fro, 4 the bus drivers, and those that will be driving by themselves. 

3. Campers - pray for protection that they won't get injured or get sick, and pray that their hearts will be soften, to be able receive  from God throughout the 4 days.

4. Committee members - as the committee is preparing all necessary plannings to do, pray for a good health, and stamina for them to endure the 4 days =p

5. Pastor Julie and Full Timers -  pray that God will speak through them TO us, God's annointing to be upon them. 

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  • Prayer List

    1. Good Weather
    2. Journey Mercy
    3. Campers
    4. Committee Members
    5. Pastor Julie and FT



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